
Roger and Doug–extra days of paddling

After their week on the Peter E. rafting/kayakng Extravaganza, Roger and Doug decided to add on a few extra days of kayaking. We hit the Piatua River, the Upper Jondachi, and the Oyacachi. We had great water levels, beautiful weather and 3 great days of kayaking!

Here’s Roger boofing a ledge hole on the Oyacachi River

Roger and Doug practice their boater-cross skills in “Serpintine” on the Oyacachi

Doug, boofing at the top of a long and complicated rapid. The Oyacachi is famous for it’s continous and complex boulder-garden-style rapids.

Here’s Doug again, but this time boofing his way down the Jondachi

Don leading Roger and Doug through the Upper Jondachi.

If you can swing extra time off of work, adding extra days of kayaking is a great option! Roger and Doug certainly left with smiles on their faces.

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