One week ago, the community of Tena, Ecuador, hosted the second annual Jondachi Fest, a not-for-profit, volunteer-driven celebration of the free-flowing Jondachi River. Anyone who’s paddled in Ecuador is well aware of the unique abundance of magical whitewater. (And if you haven’t yet made it to Ecuador to kayak, there’s no better time than right […]
Chaotic weather makes for great kayaking!
Greg (aka Colorado) boofing the last rapid (aka Fonzarelli) of the Oyacachi at a nice, medium level. One of the most common questions about this area is “what will the weather be like.” Since there is no reliable forecast and not much of a trend week to week the answer is easy, “no one knows”. […]
Review: Recon 83 in Ecuador
Wavesport Recon 83 Review Miguel dodging the massive hole at the bottom of Aspen Extreme and putting the Recon to the test in big water While Michael has been paddling with us in Ecuador this past month he’s been cultivating his alter-ego–Miguel–as well as cultivating what I see as a long-lasting relationship with his new […]
The Kayaking Learning Curve–Find Your “Zone”
Darcy sliding a fun boof on the Cosanga Blog Miester Liam is at it again and he’s come up with a doozy on finding your perfect learning zone in kayaking. Josh enjoying a sunny day on the Oyacachi ” Make the easy stuff hard and the hard stuff easy” This is a great […]
Too Busy Kayaking, No Time for Blogging!
Tarquino enjoying typical scenery on his home river, the Upper Misahualli. This photo was taken December 31st. Not a bad way to end 2012 We’ve been so busy kayaking in Ecuador that we haven’t had anytime to blog about kayaking in Ecuador. I’m averaging 29-30 days paddling per month since November, I think Don has […]
The Flora and Fauna of SWA’s Kayaking Lodge
Kevin has been Small World’s resident horticulturist for the past few weeks and he wanted to post up a blog about some of the things he’s seen around the lodge. Kevin says: While I’ve been staying at Small World Adventures lodge, I anticipated being in the heart of some of the best Ecuadorian kayaking; however, […]
Twas the Week Before Christmas and…all the Kayakers Were Kayaking…?
Katherine nailing her boof with perfect timing and stroke placement–you go girl! Liam Says: Coming up to Christmas I began to miss home a little. A good cure for being a touch home sick is warm weather, cold beer, great kayaking and a bunch of new people to spend it with. Brien, Rene and […]
Can You Boat Scout?
Midge boofing like a banshee on the Oyacachi Introduction to Creeking—the importance of boat scouting skills. Boat scouting—figuring out a rapid from in your boat rather than getting out on shore to actually scout—is a highly over-looked, but all important kayaking skill. If you are in a group on a new river that no one […]
Patch’s World Tour comes to Ecuador!
Commuting to the river, Ecuador style December found us boating with Patch, Midge and Derek on one of our “Torrents” trips. We name these trips after the rapid-loving Torrent ducks that frequent the same rivers we do. They have an unfair advantage when in comes to boofing – the wing assist. But we try to […]
Zen and the art of boofing
Steve grooving on a new boof on the Lower Cosanga–day 1, nice warm up eh? Good news fans, guest writer Liam is back in action! Check out what he has to say about the best week of kayaking he’s had in Ecuador so far! Liam, the floor is all yours: Liam leads Steve and […]