This past week in Colorado has been packed with good friends, good boating, and good Hooligans.
I’m about to inundate you with videos so I hope you are viewing from a fast connection so you can enjoy all of Don’s recent handy work. We’ve had a great tour around Durango, Crested Butte, Buena Vista and Salida. I’ll write more below, but first, here’s the video from last week’s trip down Vallecito Creek. I already wrote up the trip report in my last blog, but here’s some video footage that Don shot with his Go Pro HD.
After Animas River Days we took a day trip over to Crested Butte to check out one of the area’s most famous (or infamous) creeks–Oh Be Joyful. My high school friend, Anders, came with us to huck his first waterfalls. Being that he’s a badass, cliff-hucking skier, the transition to dropping waterfalls in his kayak went very smoothly. Here’s a few shots of Anders hucking his meat.
I’ve never been too good at math and triangulation and crap like that, but I think this one is a little taller than 10 feet?
And here’s a couple shots of our local guides–Ethan and Zach–showing us the lines. These boys rally OBJ frequently after work and really have the run dialed. Thanks guys!
Don had some fogging issues with his camera on Oh Be Joyful, but still got some somewhat descent shots. Here’s a little video he put together of the day.
After hucking ourselves off the slate around Crested Butte we headed over to Salida to enjoy a little FIBark action. Don and Larry have lived in Salida in years past, and the town holds many roots for Small World Adventures (including our post office box).
It was fun to get back to hang out with old friends, meet new ones and, most importantly, to laugh at the hooligans.
While we were there, we got to paddle the Royal Gorge–Don’s old stomping ground–with our friend Stacey. His wife Cindy couldn’t make it due to a VERY recent ACL surgery, but she’s already plotting her big comeback tour. We were flattered to hear that it’s going to be in Ecuador with us. Can’t wait to paddle with you guys down there. Keep up that PT, so you are ready for some good, old fashioned mud hiking on the way to the Jondachi!
And, for the last video of this blog, please, kick back, relax and enjoy some sweet Hooligan shenanigans
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