The week started off innocently enough–like any other week this season. Some rain, some sun and a perfect medium water level for day 1. The Torrents trip started out with a nice cruise down the Pica Piedra run putting in right in front of our lodge.
We went to bed that night and proceeded to listen to rain pound the roof all night long. Surprisingly enough when we got up the river was only at 3 on our gauge. With the amount of rain we got, we knew the water would come at some point…but why hadn’t it come yet? We decided to head to the Lower Quijos. This stretch of river can handle a ton of water, so it matters less when things really come up.
All the rivers along the drive to the put in looked high, but not crazy high. They put on the river at 25 on the gauge. That’s a nicely high level. All was going great until a rapid called “Welcome to the Jungle.” It definitely lived up to it’s name this day. There were 2 swimmers; and during this time, the river at the lodge went from 3.5 to 8 in 25 minutes. The Oyacachi, Santa Rosa and Bombon creek all exploded at roughly the same time and while Don and Greg were rescuing swimmers and boats the river came up, and up, and up and more or less went off the charts (not off the gauge since the put in gauge goes up to 69) but off the charts from a kayaker’s perspective. And, if you are wondering, you definitely do NOT want to go if the gauge reads 69. But don’t worry, you wouldn’t be able to make it to the put in at that level since all bridges would have long since been washed out.
So, while some of the kayakers were dreaming of low volume runs, the river KEPT raising. Before too long it was the highest level I’ve seen at the lodge this season and the roar of the river was drowned out by the sound boulders tumbling down the river. Then…the dry land part of the tour began! It was a lovely jungle hike to where Memo was waiting with the Sprinter and some nice dry clothes. Cold beers and Empandas were next. So while it wasn’t the best day of boating ever, it was an awesome adventure that I know everyone will remember!
The rest of the week turned out great! They got the best (highest) water level of the entire season on the Piatua. It was high but dropping which was a nice change for that river where we’ve often seen high and getting a hell of a lot higher FAST. Don, Greg, Tarquino and I were super pumped to have a strong crew and this great opportunity to run the Piatua with some good water in it.
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