It is expected that the Ecuadorian government will issue the environmental license for the Topo Hydroelectric Project in the coming days. This will allow the project to begin construction, despite widespread local opposition.
Please help us to voice your concern about the decision to develop the Topo Hydroelectric Project and persuade the President and government decision-makers in Ecuador to maintain the integrity of the Topo River and the Llanganates-Sangay Ecological Corridor. Urge them to consider other alternatives for developing secure and renewable energy for Ecuador, and provide permanent protection for the Topo River to keep it as a wild, free-flowing river for the enjoyment of future generations.
Go to this link to send your letter:
Please forward this message to your friends so that this important initiative will have more impact.
Thanks for your help in keeping the Topo River wild and free-flowing!
Matt Terry
Executive Director
Ecuadorian Rivers Institute
PO Box 17-07-9762
Quito – Ecuador
TEL 011-593-62-887-438
CEL 011-593-94-448-277
FAX 011-593-62-888-888
USA/TEL 970-626-6022
USA/FAX 888-353-9849
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