
Heading South

Larry here, getting ready to leave for Ecuador next week. Lots to do when you leave the country for five months and looking for the best airfare took up a big chunk of time. Marcelo at America’s Travel got a great fare for me especially considering I am leaving from one city and need to return to a different one, not to mention I am staying for what the airlines conside a long time. Some sample fares I found on the internet for shorter stays are listed below. They all are in November, roundtrip to Quito and depart on Saturaday and return on Sunday nine days later.
Denver $676
LA $508
Atlanta $603
Miami $461
N.Y. $540

Delta is now flying to Quito from Atlanta and I think their entrance into the market is keeping flights cheaper. Try Marcelo at and tell him you are traveling with Small World and see if he can’t get an even better price.

As far as flying a kayak to Ecuador, the only airline that we have found that says it will take one is LanEcuador, phone 1 (866)4359526

I’m up on my inoculations but if you want some info on what the pros say the CDC’s website is One nice thing is that there are almost no mosquitos where we normally run our trips and as far as we know, no one has ever contracted Malaria on a SWA trip. The guides don’t take any medications for it at all.

The rest of the stuff I am doing is paying my bills till next year, speaking lots of English and drinking a variety of beers since Ecuador has only one great beer, Pilsiner. Thanks to Cindy and Stacy for the case of Stone India Pale Ale, I’m enjoying everyone of them – sorry Don!

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