
February 2010–awesome winter boating in Ecuador

February 13th was a big week for kayaking in Ecuador! We had a Torrents + trip, a Mucha Agua trip and a Class III trip. Everyone was treated to great water levels and had a kick ass week of paddling. Everyone got a nice variety of bigger water, and super tight, technical creeks.
Above, Oliver from Germany is rocking the Rio Piatua

Chris from New York also on the Piatua. The Piatua has been such a great addition to Tena’s already great line up of rivers. This river is quintessential jungle adventure kayaking at its best. First, you have to take a pick up truck taxi to the river so you can fit under a TINY bridge over the Rio Anzu to get to a bumpy dirt road that you’ll drive on for 30 minutes or so to reach the small village “at the end of the road.” Once on the river you really feel like you are “out there” (because you are!). Then, you are treated to some extremely nice rainforest, rapids, bird and animal life. We often see otters, blue morphos, cuckoos, and tons of other birds on this run. Plus, at 110 feet per mile and with countless boofs, this run will assure you are paying attention all day long.

Harvesting wood is one of the main economies of the little village near the put in. These boards have been hand-hewed in the jungle and are being brought out by horse ready to sell.

Caroline from PA also on the Piatua–she is enjoying a fun rock slide just below “Sabado Gigante.”
Here’s Tate of Maryland styling “Tres Huevos” on the Upper Jondachi and paddling away from the ‘cave of doom.”

Peter, also of PA, boofing the heck out of “Dame Su Gasolina” on the Piatua.

John from VA takes the bull by the horns at “Torro Loco.”
John, Peter, and Chris all came back for more kayaking with Small World Adventures this season after paddling with us at various points over the past 3 years. One really cool thing about Ecuador is that we have tons of variety which means we always have something new to offer our repeat guests. We get a lot of guests who come back year after year, and we always get to show them something new–whether it’s just totally different water levels than they saw before, or completely new rivers, we can always find a way to spice things up!

Jeremy from Montana in his element.
Jeremy’s bad ass boater chick wife–Lexie–was down paddling with us as well, but due to some technical difficulties….we don’t yet have a photo of her boating. Lexie, I’m sorry!

Don’s crew below Typhoid Falls on the Upper Jondachi.

Frank dropping Typhoid Falls, and concentrating hard!

Thanks everyone for a great week of paddling. Hopefully Don and I will run into you all this summer on our “Boatin n’ Promotin’ tour. Check back with this blog for details about our summer travels.

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