One week ago, the community of Tena, Ecuador, hosted the second annual Jondachi Fest, a not-for-profit, volunteer-driven celebration of the free-flowing Jondachi River. Anyone who’s paddled in Ecuador is well aware of the unique abundance of magical whitewater. (And if you haven’t yet made it to Ecuador to kayak, there’s no better time than right […]
Archive | Conservation
Help Ecuador’s Rivers and Win Big Doing So
Ecuador’s Rivers Need Your Help! And you can benefit from giving to the ERI by extra chances to win awesome gear in the annual SWA gear giveaway contest. Ecuador is home to some of the most amazing rivers and river canyons on this planet. In addition, Ecuador possesses some of the richest biodiversity in the […]
Help the Topo River!
Ecuador’s rivers are under heavy pressure right now from a government that is eager for development. There is a long list of rivers in Ecuador that the government is looking to dam to generate hydro power (if you’ve read this blog before, you know that the classic Jondachi River is another one of them). Now, […]
River conservation in Ecuador
San Rafael Falls – site of future diversion for a hydro project In general Ecuador has quite healthy rivers and less pressure to dam them than many places I have traveled. This is likely changing with numerous hydro generation projects being proposed that will affect both whitewater rivers and the wildlife living in some beautiful […]